Modern Dad Easter Picks

With Easter coming up this Sunday us parents are scrambling to try and find cute little fillers to put in our kids baskets. Well, I have found some cute and unique toys to fill your child’s basket and put a smile on their face.

The Modern Dad Basket Fillers1. This fun little wooden boat from romp.

2. I love these fun little cameras from Twig Creative that get your child’s imagination running wild.

3. What kid doesn’t love crayons? And these animal crayons from My Sweet Muffin are super cute.

4. Nothing like a wooden memory game from The Land of Nod.

5. Since it’s Easter you need a little chick to pull around from romp.

6. Every kid needs a fun little bunny for cuddling. This one from finkelsteins is adorable.

7. Teach them the art of music through this fun rainbow xylophone from The Land of Nod.

8. Increase their imagination even more with some fun dress ups from The Land of Nod.

9. And of course, every little girl need a knit doll from The Land of Nod.


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