Obsession Confession – I Love the Dentist!

No one wants to see them, they are hated by all, but for some reason I absolutely LOVE going to the dentist.

Maybe people don’t like going because they have had a bad experience? Well, when I got my wisdom teeth taken out I didn’t get put under, he forgot to give me all the shots and I felt it all, and I didn’t get any pain killer. Worst experience ever! But yet I still love going.

Always wanted to be a dentist

Always wanted to be a dentist

Growing up I wanted to be a dentist so bad that I thought the only things that I could be were a dentist or a doctor. I had basically finished all the schooling, but when it got to the point of applying to dental schools I was done. I was over having to be perfect for them. Plus, I am so social and outgoing, I needed a job where I would be out and about talking with others, not behind my dental tools having one way conversations.

UOP in San Francisco was my dream dental school

UOP in San Francisco was my dream dental school

I may also be obsessed with going because I love teeth!!! I love when my teeth are bleached more than the whitest bleaching tray. I love hearing that I have perfect teeth and they look like they were taken right out a dental book. I love a great smile, why do you think I married my wife?

But what did I love most about the dentist today? When my wife went to get her teeth cleaned at Dr Curtis Bevan DDS, in Holladay, she took my son. As he slept, the smell of cleaning, polishing, and x-raying teeth must have gotten to him in his sleep because he finally cut his first tooth!!!


first time to the dentist - cuts first tooth

first time to the dentist – cuts first tooth

Yeah I hear that teething is a nightmare, but with my teeth obsession I couldn’t be happier.


  1. Jessica N.
    03.28.2014 / 9:07 am

    Love this! So funny!

  2. 04.30.2014 / 2:35 am

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