Our Favorite ABC Books

Now that my son is starting to talk more I feel like it is important that I try to teach him a little along the way. Lately I have been loving to read and I have always loved reading to him. Everyone has favorite books and these ABC books are some of my favorites that I love reading to my son and they’re entertaining.

Favorite ABC Books | The Modern Dad

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom – I mean really, how can you not love this book? It’s a fun way to learn the alphabet, but also an entertaining read. Whenever we get to the Boom Boom we like to take my son’s hands and hit them against the book. It’s fun for him and you always know when he wants you to read that book to him because he will say Boom Boom while hitting his hands down on whatever is close to him.

Best ABC Books | The Modern Dad

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Dr. Seuss’s ABC – Growing up this was one of my favorites. Maybe it’s because in every book that Dr. Seuss writes is nonsensical, but it has a catchy tune as you read it and you remember it. Really, for me this one is a classic that all kids should have in their ABC book library.

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Alpha Bugs – When buying books for my son that I wanted to get something that he could learn from, but also be fitting for him. This kid is all boy and bugs are his thing. Of course I had to make sure that I purchased Alpha Bugs for him then.

Best ABC Books | The Modern Dad

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LMNO Peas – This book is told by little green peas that work and play the abc’s.  It has fun illustrations with peas demonstrating the actions.  Just a different approach to the typical abc book.

Best ABC Books | The Modern Dad

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Z is for Moose – This is a comical book about a moose who gets a little anxious to find his place in the book.  Read it as he tries to fit into every page of the book.

Best ABC Books | The Modern Dad

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Bad Kitty – If you haven’t read Bad Kitty, you are missing out!  It has become a collection of adventures of the mischievous bad kitty. Bad Kitty wasn’t always bad, until they had to feed her healthy food a-z, then she did bad things but she decides to change.  Read it, you’ll love it!

Best ABC Books | The Modern Dad

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Favorite ABC Books | The Modern Dad

Whatever books you fancy to get your child, just make sure that you are getting them something they enjoy. I have never really been much of a reader, but I know that by reading to my child it will teach him a love for reading and exploring life.

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