Quick Cleaning Checklist

I have not been myself when it comes to cleaning lately. I have been so busy working that I haven’t had time to figure it out with my schedule.  Usually cleaning is my stress relief and a way for me to let go of any worries I may have.

As I have said before, I need to have something visual that I can check off what it is that I am doing.

So what do you do when you need to a visual to check off for cleaning? You make a FREE CLEANING SCHEDULE printable.

I made sure to keep it super simple and easy for us dad’s that are busy busy busy.  My wife does a great job at keeping our house in order but this check list helps us all stay on the same page.  If I come home and it looks like it was a rough day, I jump in and help complete the cleaning task of the day.  Some weeks we just do the whole check list on Saturday but spreading it out allows us to maximize our time together.

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