Sweet Escape

There is nothing better than a weekend getaway. Whether it’s going to Disney World, Hawaii, California or just a few hours away to a little place we like to call Spring City. Our family has a place there and it’s our little sweet escape. The funny thing is, it’s in the middle of no where, why would you want to go there? What makes it so fun?

Something about getting away from everything and just zoning out is amazing to me. I love to just be able to get away from the craziness of what is going on in the world and go to our sweet escape. The funny thing is, when we are there we really do nothing; and I love it!

Recently we were there for a weekend. I was able to read a book I have been wanting to read for a while. It really just takes you to that time in your life when electronics were not what it was all about. It’s the walks to the old school playground, spotting groups of deer cross through the yards and getting snow cones at midnight.

My inlaws own the place and they really have created a place where we can always go to escape from the stresses of our lives. We can be with family and enjoy being around one another spending quality time together. There is always plenty of room to cuddle up on the couches, watch old DVDs, play games and take long naps. Honestly every time someone puts a movie in while we are there I will usually see the first five minutes and than I am out cold. I just don’t have things to worry about.

Isn’t it crazy how we can let life take over and we don’t ever take time to relax and let our stresses melt away? I had a lot of things that I was worrying about and stressing me, to be able to get away from the normal mundane life was a true blessing. I was able to realize what truly is important in my life, regroup and get my focus back. It was like a free refill in life’s soda machine. I needed to get away and think about things without all of the distractions that come along with being home and having a set schedule everyday.

Sweet Escape | Spring City | The Modern Dad

So whether it’s camping in the mountains, a long drive in the car or a trip to Spring City, make sure that you take time to find your sweet escape and frequent your time spent there.


1 Comment

  1. 04.17.2015 / 7:43 pm

    Jason, Barb's Uncle and Anut own the yellow Tuscany Villa that is set back in off the main street in Spring City. Also Barb's sister in laws have a home in Spring City as well. We love spending time there as you say it is so peaceful and relaxing.

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