Mixing It Up: How Mixhers Became a Household Favorite for Wellness

You’ve probably heard of Mixhers and are thinking, “Jason, you’re a guy, you don’t need help with your period.” First off, fair point. But secondly, as a married man, I’ve seen firsthand how amazing Mixhers…

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Everything from My 2023 Health Journey

My 2023 health journey has been quite the process. Who knew that 2023 would be the year where I finally found something that would finally stick and help me get to a fitness goal I…

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August | Favorite Things

How is August already over? It feels like it was just yesterday that we were just starting summer, and now here we are preparing ourselves for sweater weather, pumpkin spice everything, and crisp air. I’m…

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Supplements You Can Feel Safe About

For the most part, I feel like when it comes to the end of the year we all end up saying, “I’ll start working out and being healthy in January.” But why wait? Why can’t…

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