Marathon Training Week 16 |Let’s Get Serious

We are 20 days into the New Year. Have you given up on your resolutions already? It’s not too late to get back. Now that my birthday is overland the holidays have ended, it’s time to…

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Marathon Training Week 14 | Aches and Pains

I get it, when you are constantly running and working your muscles you are going to have aches and pains. Since I am running so much does that mean I will just always hurt and…

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Marathon Training Week Five | Why I Do This

In 308 days I will be running my second marathon. Why am I training so much now? What am I doing to train? Why do I even share about training with everyone? Well, let me…

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CrossFit SpearHead | Family Friendly CrossFit

I have a new baby. I’m pregnant and CrossFit would be too hard. I am a new parent and don’t know if I have time to be away from my family to workout in general.…

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What Made Me Pick CrossFit

I will be the first to admit it, when a friend of mine asked me to do CrossFit, I laughed. You think I can do a pull-up? You think I want to throw some heavy…

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