The Pair You Wear

When it comes to socks guys tend to go towards the typical navy, black and brown. Why? There are so many choices out there and I feel that any guy could pull off any of these styles.

{pick a pair to wear}

{pick a pair to wear}

When wearing any of these socks I never try to match them to my outfit. I want them to pop a little (or a lot). Your socks are covered by your pants, most of the time, but when they make an appearance I want people to look twice.

The great thing about socks is that they can be that simple piece of clothing that adds a pop of color or be what’s on trend. Right now camo is in and if you’re not feeling it completely, then socks are the way to add it in your outfit.

Now when I wear my socks people want to see which ones I am wearing. They have almost become a trademark for me. Even my father-in-law, who is your typical black sock wearer, gets excited every time he wears his Happy Socks.

Some of my favorite brands are Happy Socks,


  1. Amber
    11.18.2013 / 11:19 am

    Jason you crack me up! Awesome socks and from a former ballerina, beautiful turnout

  2. Anna Cardall
    11.19.2013 / 7:19 pm

    One word. STANCE.

  3. Molly
    11.26.2013 / 4:14 pm

    We call these personality socks! Great blog!

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