Update: Healthy Living

It has been a while since I have posted an update on my healthy lifestyle changes, so I figure why not share what I am up to lately.

Fitbit has officially taken over my life. My wife and I both enjoy competing with each other on getting our step goal everyday, but at the same time it motivates us. We use the taunting, messaging, and motivating probably more than anyone really should. It’s there for that reason though, right? Nothing better than looking down at your phone to see cheers from the love of your life.

The hard part though, being that I work at a desk all day I have to make a conscious decision every day to get up, go to the gym early in the morning, and get my steps in. Otherwise I am at my desk all day getting nothing in the step department. I do make an effort at work though. Every two hours I get up and walk four flights of stairs 3-4 times a day. I make sure to park the furthest away from the stairs as I can when I get to work just for extra steps. And I go to the local grocery store for lunch which is about half a mile away. These aren’t big things, but they have helped me get exercise in when I usually would just be sitting at my desk doing nothing.

When I did the no sugar for a month thing I actually noticed a huge change. I would have a sweet treat and they never tasted good to me. It was too much and I didn’t like it at all. We allow ourselves times to cheat on the healthy eating habits like birthdays, but don’t eat a lot. It really is a lifestyle change. It’s funny though because I don’t even crave sugar like I used to. I do crave a treat every now and again though, so to quench that I usually am grabbing fruit, yogurt and granola or sometimes we have a spoonful of Nutella or even spread it on Saltine crackers. I know, gross! But honestly, the salty and the sweet combined is amazing. I love it!!!

And of course nothing motivates me more than a little shopping. My wife and I got new work out shoes that clearly need to be used and broken in. Whenever I have a morning off from work we have found an amazing 5 mile walk that we do. It’s great because we talk about anything and everything: the homes we pass and what we like and don’t like, fun ideas we have for the future, and what we need to do better so that we can be bikini ready for summer.

I feel like summer always brings fun adventures at the pool and outdoors in general. I want to make sure that I feel comfortable in my own skin so that I can be able to enjoy these many fun adventures with my fun little family this year.

1 Comment

  1. 06.05.2014 / 9:29 am

    Good job on upping the active life.
    Good shoes make a world of difference. It took me a bunch of different shoes and arch support inserts to get it right. Asics with pinnacle powerstep. I have flat feet.
    Especially good job on the quitting sugar. That’s my Achilles heel. Joe

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