When I heard, “It’s a Girl!”

There is something about that moment you hear the doctor first tell you, “It’s a girl!” So many emotions run through your body, but I think my stomach sank for just a moment thinking that this one is going to be a lot more expensive.

It’s a funny because with our first child we we were totally hoping for a girl. When the nurse told us it was a boy we both said “ohhh” a little disappointed but so excited! The day before we had the sonogram we went to the mall and were looking at all the cute baby clothes, boy and girl. Everything was so cute, so tiny, but we couldn’t help but be drawn to all the cute baby girl clothes.

It's a girl |The Modern Dad

You hear time and time again how fun it is to have a girl because it’s so easy to find cute girl clothes and who doesn’t want “daddy’s little girl.” We just looked and before had decided that we wouldn’t buy any clothes until we knew exactly what we were having.

As we went to the doctor they asked if we wanted to know what we were having. I have always thought it was so crazy for people to not find out. You mean to tell me you don’t want to start shopping and have your gifts be specific to the gender? Look I don’t care what others decide, but I was never going to be one of those that didn’t know.

Then when we found out we were pregnant with number two we again had to find out what we were having. At one of our appointments our doctor was checking the heartbeat, 156. Then he told us if the heartbeat is over 140, it’s a girl. If it’s under then it’s a boy. I am pretty sure that the heartbeat with number one was fast too, but we quickly started thinking it was a girl.

My wife didn’t want to get her hopes up for a girl so she held off making making things for her like quilts and clothes and then it turns out to be a boy. Again we decided no shopping until we knew for certain what it was we were having.

When we went to the doctor for our appointment I couldn’t have been more excited. All I kept thinking was how fun would it be to have two little boys. Brothers that would do everything together and have a blast tearing our place apart. But I also thought, how cute would it be for our boy to have a sister that he could watch over and protect. Plus having one of each is always great because you get to experience both worlds that are complete opposites.

Suddenly our child popped up on the screen. Strong heartbeat, arms, long skinny legs, all major organs were right where they needed to be, that alone made me completely happy and excited. The nurse turned to us and asked, “So do you want to know the sex?” Quickly we both responded, “YES!”

It kept searching for all the organs and measuring the length and size of the babies head, femur and belly, but the baby kept kicking and crossing their legs making it completely impossible to know.

Then, we finally got our baby to relax and the doctor said, “Girl….it’s a girl!” My heart skipped a beat and slowly a smile grew across my face. The rest of the visit was a complete blur. All I cold think of was what was coming into our lives. Truly a blessing to get to have one of each, but now I was going to have daddy’s little girl.

It's a girl | The Modern Dad

As we walked out of the doctors office that is when this all really started to settle in. The clothes, ballet classes, shoes, drama (which comes with boys too), pink, dating, everything started to come to me at once. This was going to be a completely different experience, but I think was was ready for it, but also thought maybe I need a second job to pay for the clothes. I mean I have a problem with myself and when we had our son I got a little crazy too, but how do you say no to girl clothes? They’re just so cute! I mean, look at my Pinterest board.

No matter what though, I know that I couldn’t be more excited. My son is going to have a little sister to be with him constantly. My wife and I have a girl to dress in everything we had to walk by as we window shopped this last week, and maybe bought a few things. And I get another girl to steel my heart instantly. Oh thank heavens for little girls!



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