Bath Time Routines with Tubby Todd

Many times, as fathers, when it comes to bath time we tend to let mom deal with it. We worry about manipulating a slippery newborn or what do we do if our toddler poops in the tub? While others may avoid those things, I am obsessed with it. Tubby Todd has an amazing collection of products that have made me not only addicted to spending bath time for my kids, but absolutely loving it.

It starts with the body wash and shampoo. I get so nervous trying products on my newborns because their skin is so sensitive. The great thing is that I feel completely comfortable using this product on both my active toddler and my month old dainty little girl. I know that with Tubby Todd I never have to worry because there is nothing bad in their products, they are all natural. Recently the good old Johnson & Johnson Baby Products talked about how their famous baby products contain cancer-causing formaldehyde. Tubby Todd is made from nothing but all natural ingredients that smell absolutely heavenly.

Bath Time Routines with Tubby Todd | The Modern Dad

There is nothing better than a bundled up baby in a cozy towel. Add some delicious smelling Dream Cream making your child’s skin soft, looking fresh and smelling delicious. I love using this on my newborn’s skin because she tends to dry up faster than my son. The Dream Cream keeps her skin always looking refreshed and I know that I am not going to have to worry about her face getting any flaky skin. There is nothing I hate more than dry skin on my littlest one.

Bath Time Routines with Tubby Todd | The Modern Dad

With our son, we were always using Aquaphor when he would have diaper rash, dry skin spots or if we ever felt like he needed a little extra moisture. The new All Over Ointment is my new Aquaphor. We love this for those diaper rashes that my son can get near his nether region or if my newborn little girl is looking like she is getting some cradle cap. This is the stuff you are going to want to use to keep your child’s skin extra healthy.

Bath Time Routines with Tubby Todd | The Modern Dad

Now my son I love to lather up with the best smells ever, 100% All Natural Lotion is my go to for both him and me. When I get him out of the bath and want to make sure his skin stays smooth I cover him all up in the Tubby Todd lotion. Of course, I am a lotion fan for myself and I use this one all the time too. The scent is fantastic and doesn’t make you feel like you’re using baby lotion. Nothing worse than when you cover your children in lotion, but makes you smell like a baby too. Tubby Todd lotion will make your skin look refreshed and just like me you will be addicted in no time.

Bath Time Routines with Tubby Todd | The Modern Dad

Last but not least, I am a sucker for a fragrance and the Baby Fresh Spray is just the product that I have been praying for. Of course you wash your child’s sheets frequently, but having something to freshen it up is great. The Baby Fresh Spray can be sprayed on your child’s sheets making them feel like they just came out of the laundry. My son is obsessed with this because he thinks it’s his cologne. When changing his diaper he loves a little spray on his tummy and it adds to making him smell completely amazing. Another completely natural product that you don’t have to worry about it being on your child’s sensitive skin.

What are you waiting for? It’s time to get yourself some amazing Tubby Todd products. Their newly released products are out of this world!

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