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Simple Breakfast with Kodiak Cakes

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but when you are trying to be healthy and get to work on time it can be hard. Thankfully there is an…

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My 365 Day Diet

Isn’t it funny that when you look up diets, or even ask around for advice, everything is quick: 17 days, 21 days, 90 days. Really, it shouldn’t be a diet, but a life change. I…

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Family Friendly Restaurant Review | Spitz

Downtown Salt Lake City is full of delicious restaurants that you can’t find anywhere else. One that always stands out to me is Spitz. Serious, one of my absolute favorite restaurants that I think as…

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Delicious Homemade Mac and Cheese

When I think of recipes that kids absolutely love, mac and cheese is at the top of the list. But I get sick of eating the same old boxed crap I get at the stores.…

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Simple Margherita Penne Pasta

Around our house dinner seems to be a whole lot easier if there is some kind of noodle involved. Time and time again we are eating macaroni and cheese, which is fine, but let’s mix…

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