It’s Childhoods Clothing Co Weather

The weather outside is frightful and I absolutely hate it. I am not a cold, snowy weather fan but I’ll tell you what I am a fan of, layering and bundling up in comfortable sweaters. So thinking positive, I think about dressing my kids in layers, keeping them nice and warm during the winter months. My son is not used to layering yet and I have had the hardest time trying to layer him up with comfortable clothes. Once we got a Childhoods Clothing Co hoodie he gets excited to put it on and can’t wait to show everyone his hood.

We love Childhoods Clothing Co in our home for these cold winter months | The Modern Dad

I found Childhoods Clothing Co through Instagram and have been following them for a couple years now. I was intrigued by their products because they looked like soft, comfortable sweaters and hoodies for little ones. I have been obsessed with wearing hoodies for years and when I found some that would not only fit my little ones, but also look cute and be cozy I had to try them out.

When you make a purchase off of a product from Instagram or Etsy you never know what is actually going to come in the mail. I have never been one to want to online shop, but when you see these cute clothes you have to give them a try. The package arrived and I couldn’t have been more impressed with the quality and simplicity of Childhoods Clothing Co.

Childhoods Clothing Co | The Modern Dad

Like I said at the beginning, my son has been hard to try to layer clothing on. He hates when I try to put a cardigan over his shirt or even a simple sweater, but when I pulled out the hoodie for him he insisted we put it right on. His favorite part is the hood.

We love Childhoods Clothing Co in our home for these cold winter months | The Modern Dad

We tend to have little babies and my daughter is no exception. Weighing in at just over nine pounds I was worried that the 0-3 month hoodie was going to be too big for her since she is still wearing a lot of her newborn stuff comfortably. One day the weather finally turned to fall/winter here in Utah and I had to give it a try. It fit perfectly. Giving her plenty of room to grow, but not completely drowning her. I was sold!

Childhoods Clothing Co | The Modern Dad

Childhoods makes fantastic clothing that I will back up 100%. So if you are looking for quality and comfort in simple styles then they are the choice for you. Check them out here and order some for yourself. You won’t regret it!

His Look

Top | Childhoods Clothing Co

Pants | Gap

Shorts | Gap

Socks | Stance

Shoes | Converse

Her Look

Top | Childhoods Clothing Co

Pants | Gap

Moccasins | Freshly Picked

Bow | Simple June

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