This Dad is Saying Stop the Mom Shaming

For years, I was the one judging moms going out in public where their kids were in pajamas and I would say, “Is it really that hard to get your kid ready?” Or reverse that…

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Friday Health & Fitness | My Fall Health Plan

Halloween is one of the hardest holidays for me. Candy is one of my biggest triggers that I can never stop myself from eating it. Really, if I don’t throw it away, dump salt on…

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Haunted? Is My House Really Haunted?

A sudden creek rings through the hallway. It’s 3:27 AM and I’m starting to worry what’s happening. Then it happens, “BANG!” There is a loud bang and I am quickly jumping out of my bed…

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How Do You Handle Your Kid Smacking You?

It was a smack heard around the world. Seriously, I am shocked with what happened. Has your child ever full blown smacked you across the face? You can have one of two reactions: smacking back…

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Are Your Kids Making You Go Crazy?

If you have kids, you have lived it.  No naps, you just finished cleaning a room, walk into another room only to find it’s been torn apart. Are your kids making you go crazy? Maybe…

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