Marathon Training Week 17 | Winter Running, Why Do It?

Living in Utah, it is pretty inevitable that if you run outside, you are going to be running in the snow. I hate snow! When I came to the fact that I was going to…

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Pro Vaccinating, To Anti Vaccinating and Here’s Why

Vaccinating is a touchy subject. From experiences and reading, I am completely for it. But what if something were to happen to one of my children? Would my opinion change? A friend of mine was…

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Sophie is Moldless, But What About Others?

Recently, a parent cut open their Sophie Giraffe showing the world that it was completely filled with mold. Parents were freaking out everywhere cutting open their giraffes. I was with those parents and came to…

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Simple Memory Keeping Items + Discount Codes

You think before you have kids that you will be great at remembering all the moments that happen. Fast forward to being a parent and you can barely remember what happened this morning—and it’s 7:47…

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Vaccinating Children | I’m All For It

Vaccinating children is not a thing of the past. If anything we should learn from the past and what has happened because people haven’t vaccinated. But what about rumors that vaccinating causing autism? And, what…

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