I Think I Can’t, I Think I Can’t

The other day I overheard my son say “I can’t do it.”  That made me think about all the times I say, mostly in my head, I can’t do that, there is no way or…

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Father’s Side of Infertility | Frankie Corrigan

Living in Utah I listen to 97.1 ZHT every morning. I feel like Frankie, DB and Jessica have become a part of my life because I listen to them religiously. Recently, Frankie talked about something a little…

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Perfect Chicken for Meal Prepping

Being a parent trying to eat healthy is hard, but when you prep all your meals at the beginning of the week it makes it that much easier. Thankfully Meier’s Meats and Fine Foods has…

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Easter Outfits for Everyone

Easter outfits can become a little stressful. It’s the Sunday outfit that is welcomes in Spring and all the fun colors that come along with it. I figured I would help you and get all the…

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Skin Scare | Clearing Up Eczema

In the movie Big Daddy, Sonny (played by Adam Sandler) talks to Julian/Frankenstein about his eczema. I never thought that eczema would be something that we would have to deal with because I thought it…

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