My Favorite Finds for Your Fit Dad

Father’s Day is just around the corner—June 18 to be exact. Do you have a dad that is always exercising, tracking his fitness, or wanting to be more fit? Is he hard to shop for…

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Marathon Training Week 25 | Olivers Gym Shorts

When I first started running I remember thinking I would never wear shorts that were above my knees. I never understood the purpose of having shorts so short. For me, it never made sense, but…

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Sophie is Moldless, But What About Others?

Recently, a parent cut open their Sophie Giraffe showing the world that it was completely filled with mold. Parents were freaking out everywhere cutting open their giraffes. I was with those parents and came to…

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Marathon Training Week Three | Favorite Finds

Favorite finds are happening regularly around here. I am constantly trying to find something for this marathon that will make it easier for me. So in wanting to make this experience enjoyable for myself and…

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Baby Registry with Baby Cubby

There is something about registering for a baby that just sends nerves up your spine: What do I need? There is so much, it’s so overwhelming! Well, let me help you by giving you my…

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