#12daysofgiveaways | Freshly Picked Moccasins

Before my first son was even born Freshly Picked moccasins were a favorite of mine. Yes in fact it was because of the Kardashians, but once I saw them in person and met Susan I…

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Favorite Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Recently, I was invited to a dear friend’s baby shower. Two things when it comes to baby showers, they are super weird and I thought that they would be way more fun, and two, I…

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The Season of Giving | Giveaways for Days

Giveaways are fun and for me the anticipation of finding out who is going to win always makes me excited. No matter who wins these huge giveaways I just love the thrill of entering and wondering…

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Easter Best

Easter is in the air, which means that Spring is in the air! Best things about spring time and Easter is wearing your bright colors and letting your outfits speak for themselves.  Nothing tells people…

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Dads Get a Bad Wrap: Dressing and Hair

For years, us dads have gotten a bad wrap for the way we dress our kids and do our kids hair. Is it because we don’t know what we are doing? Probably. But I feel…

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