Best Upgraded Treat | Scotcheroos

One day at work there was a birthday being celebrated. Someone brought an amazing treat – scotcheroos. Seriously, the best things I had ever eaten as far as Rice Krispy treats go. They are an upgraded version of this classic treat we all love.


Favorite College Treat

I can tell you, I am a huge fan of Rice Krispy treats. One day, in college, we had a break in a class to get a drink or something at the food store. They sold full sheets of Rice Krispy treats. Naturally I bought one, sat back at my desk and devoured the entire thing. Yeah, it was a little ridiculous, but I really love them that much. Everyone knew that I was in love with them and so anytime someone wants to make a treat for me they know just what to make.

scotcheroos3Going to my parents house, my mom always makes them; I love them that much. She will even throw in peanut butter because she knows that’s my absolute favorite. Who doesn’t love it when they can just go to their parents and their mom still makes their favorite treat? I know I do!

scotcheroos2What’s so great about scotcheroos? Not only do they have peanut butter and chocolate, they also have butterscotch chips (hence the name). I also love a good mix of chocolate and butterscotch topping a classic favorite. Now that you have the recipe, make these for your next family gathering or just a Monday night treat. You won’t regret it I promise.
