Breaking the CrossFit Myths

When you hear the word CrossFit what are the first things you think of? Crazy people throwing weights and other weird objects around? A bunch of people working out wearing basically nothing? People that have…

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Chia Seed Pudding – My New Obsession

Chia seeds are packed with more than I could ever imagine: more calcium than milk, more antioxidants than blueberries and more Omega-3 than Salmon. How do they pack so much in such a little seed?…

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What Made Me Pick CrossFit

I will be the first to admit it, when a friend of mine asked me to do CrossFit, I laughed. You think I can do a pull-up? You think I want to throw some heavy…

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I Think I Can’t, I Think I Can’t

The other day I overheard my son say “I can’t do it.”  That made me think about all the times I say, mostly in my head, I can’t do that, there is no way or…

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Monday Motivation | The Kids

What is it that gets you to wake up in the morning to get yourself to the gym? Is it that you are trying to better yourself by getting in better shape? Maybe you are…

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