Night Terrors Have Become My Nightmare

You put your toddler to bed every night with the same routine, prepare milk, sing songs, read books, say prayers, family hug and tuck them in. Just hours later you are awoken by the screams…

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Sunday Dinner a Dad Could Make

For us Sunday Dinner is the biggest and best dinner of the week. The entire family gets together and enjoys being around the table talking about what we have been up to, or what our…

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H&M Pants, My Toddler’s Obsession

I have turned my son into a monster, he has to pick his outfits out every day. There is no help happening and I think I am fine with it. Lately he has been obsessing…

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Let’s Make Cleaning Easier | Cleaning Checklist

Trying to get the entire house clean regularly seems almost impossible. There is just too much to do all the time and when you have a toddler and a little one it seems even harder.…

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Favorite Books on Kindness

There is nothing more rewarding than seeing your kids being friendly and showing others kindness. One day I witnessed my two kids in a chair together reading. My son is usually not one to sit…

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