Book of Mormon Reading Charts

I can’t even count the number of times on both hands that I have wanted to read the entire Book of Mormon as a New Year’s resolution. I also couldn’t tell you how many times I have gotten to Second Nephi and stopped. This year is going to be different though. I have read it several times just in case you worry about my spiritual reading lifestyle.

Nixon Reading Scriptures

New years resolution number three is read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. How hard it that? Right? The book is only 531 pages. I got this one covered! Plus I’m reading with my wife and so I’ll for sure get it done.

I decided that I would turn to Pinterest for this one and find some of the cutest reading charts out there, bring them to one central location, and share them with those that are interested.

Here are the cutest charts out there:

This first chart breaks it down into reading the Book of Mormon in a week, month, year, anything. So if you are a faster reader than you can do it in a shorter amount of time, but if you are like me and want to stretch it out then pick a longer amount of time.

Book of Mormon reading chart

Get the actual printable here.

This next chart is cute, fun, and a free printable from that you can get here. It doesn’t break anything down into specific times, but if you are the type of reader that can figure out how many pages to read each day than this is the chart for you

Book of Mormon Reading Chart

Like I said, get the FREE printable here.

What is better than to have a reading chart that just follows you along with your reading. This amazing reading chart book mark is perfect to go in your Book of Mormon and guide you on your journey to finishing this amazing book. You can purchase it on ETSY for $2.50 and it’s totally worth it for it’s style alone.

Book of Mormon reading chart

Purchase it here.


There you have it. Three amazing Book of Mormon reading charts that are great for any reading level and perfect a perfect way to start off your new year. Plus, these can help keep you motivated all year long. Enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. Vicky
    10.21.2018 / 7:06 pm

    Thank you Jason ? I want to follow Presidents request for the Sisiters to read the Boom of Mormon by the end of the year and this made it easy for me to work out how to achieve that.