As the holidays have come to an end and I look back at all the pictures that we took of the memories we had together I realized it’s time to get serious about being done with the dad bod. I look at my little ones and think, I need to do something so I can be more active with them. I know that my son is going to want to play every sport known to man and I want to able to play them with him. But how many times have I said, this is the year? What could I possibly do differently to make it WORK this time?
I don’t know if you follow Diana Smith from Livy Loves to Run, but she shared her weight loss journey with her following on Instagram. She found a support system there that kept her motivated and wanting to continue working hard to achieve her goals. Well, Diana was able to lose 100 lbs and completely change her lifestyle and choices that she makes.
Diana has motivated me to make a change in my life. I have been going to the gym regularly. Actually, I go every morning at 5:00 am because it’s the only time I know that I won’t miss what’s happening at home, but it’s not easy. As a matter of fact it sucks! But I love spending every waking moment I can with my kids and wife, so I would rather get up early to get to the gym than miss another hour or two to go workout and be annoyed by the meatheads and tools that go later in the day.
A year ago my family and I went to Hawaii for a trip and before going my wife and I decided that we were going to go on the 17 Day Diet. It actually worked out great for our lifestyle and we ended up losing a lot of weight. That being said, it was a fad diet that was just that, a fad. We couldn’t stick to that lifestyle forever and therefor wouldn’t continue to keep the weight off. I had returned back to my gorging of pizza and sweets, resulting in gaining back every pound I had lost, plus more.
I have been sharing a bit of my workout stuff on Snapchat, but I think I am going to post a picture at least once a month of my progression. I think I want to do this for myself so that I can actually document my progression, but also to try to get some kind of support. All the time, guys get a bad rap because we stop drinking soda and suddenly we lose 14 pounds. I will have you know, this isn’t always the case.
Honestly I have been working out hard trying to get back to what I was in Hawaii, and I know 95% of it is diet and I am trying, clearly not doing my best. I just hate it when I post a picture of me with my kids on Instagram and don’t see the person that I want to be for my children. I want to be a healthy dad that is able to enjoy his time with his little ones.
Once you reach a certain age as a male adult you lose the ability to just have the weight drop off in a healthy way. Believe me, I have done the fad diets and the weight dropped off, but when I did that and started eating normally again my body wasn’t used to it and I passed out, hitting my head on a corner of a doorway. To this day I still get a little freaked out to do the diet I was doing fully because I don’t know what my body will do again.
This one is a work in progress…..just know that.
All this being said, I am making it a new years resolution (and lifetime goal) to be done with the dad bod and I hope that you will all support me. I will be posting my updates to Instagram, sharing my daily workout fun on Snapchat and maybe even doing a Pariscope with one of my trainer/nutritionist friends. It’s going to be a fun journey and I hope that I can finally figure out this body of mine and get it back to the way it used to be, healthily.