A New Day

How do people do it? Work all day, take care of their family, and still find time to go to the gym and stay in shape. This is my new goal for the month: eating healthy, cutting sugar intake (this will be the hardest), and working out again every morning (at least six days a week).

Every morning I listen to 97.1 ZHT and Frankie has been cutting sugar from his diet. Every time I would hear him talk about all the sugar he ate, I related completely: bags of sour strips, bucket of licorice, and a few handfuls of skittles. And that’s just in one sitting! He has been cutting sugar for the past 21 days and it hasn’t been easy, but it’s motivated me to quit too.

The other morning I was at the gym and they have old episodes of Dr OZ playing, I go at 5:00 am so they always have older episodes playing. Recently I saw one that was showing what sugar does for your body. I’m not even going to go there, but lets just say that sugar is basically as addictive as cocaine. Which explains why I would snort Pixy Stix in elementary.

These experiences brought me to the conclusion that I needed to cut sugar. I know for sure that I won’t be able to drop it completely, but if I don’t do something now I won’t be around to watch my son get married and have kids.

As for the working out, I just want to spend every waking moment with my family. I don’t want to miss anything so I get up as early as I can…like I said, 5:00 am. It’s an absolute nightmare because all I want to do is sleep, not have circles under my eyes, and not be bloated from lack of sleep.

How do other people fit it in their schedules? This is really the only time that I have found works for me and my family. I get up and go to the gym for an hour, when I get up they are still sleeping, and when I return they wake up and we eat breakfast together while listening to the radio and watching the news.

Finally, this whole eating healthy idea. February I decided to cut out dairy (since I’m allergic I figured it was a good idea). I really felt so much better. The second February was over I wanted my ice cream but I’ve never felt worse after eating it. My stomach was killing me, knives stabbing me, I seriously couldn’t handle it.

I figure if I can go without dairy for a month and feel better, I can go a month with eating better in general. This should be easy since my wife is wanting to eat better too. Some easy things I know I am going to do is eat a good healthy breakfast after the gym, pack a lunch (with healthy snacks), drink 150 oz of water a day, and eat a healthy dinner. Then I will stop eating by 7:00 pm, unless I am working at the baby store because I don’t get home until 7:30 those days.

I think that all these things will help me become healthier, but what my real goal is to feel better and have energy to play with my wife and son.

So get ready for weekly updates on the blog and Instagram. I have a feeling this isn’t going to be a pretty.